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Showing posts from May, 2020

Apple-Google Contact Tracing App Gets First Trial in Switzerland

Switzerland has launched a pilot program for SwissCovid, a contact tracing app based on Apple and Google's jointly developed APIs. The APIs will work with iOS 13.5 and devices running Android 6.0 or higher. The pilot involves several thousand workers at Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, ETH Zurich, the Swiss Army, and staff at some hospitals and cantonal administrations. The app will monitor people in real-world situations, notifying participants who have been in contact with someone who was diagnosed COVID-positive. from TechNewsWorld

POP!_OS Delivers Outstanding GNOME Experience

POP!_OS 20.04 has the potential to be one of the best starting points for any new Linux user. Given this distro's rising popularity, it will continue to hold that distinction. That is a bold statement, but developer System76, has made some bold moves in pushing this Linux distro to the forefront. The company preinstalls POP!_OS in its manufactured line of desktop and laptop computers. System76 created a uniquely branded GNOME-based desktop environment for its own hardware, but it does not lock in its own OS. from TechNewsWorld

XRSpace Headset Opens Door to New Virtual World

A new virtual reality headset designed for mobility will serve as an entry point into a new virtual world. The $599 Mova headset from XRSpace, founded by former HTC chief Peter Chou, will support 5G and be the exclusive on-ramp to Manova, a social reality platform that aims to defy the boundaries of space and time to bring people together. Users can roam Manova as full-body avatars with a user's personal features to socialize, work and play in a number of public and private spaces. from TechNewsWorld

Necessity May Give Us a Virtual Court System

One of the exciting things that came out of Microsoft Build during the analyst preview was that the company has been working to create virtual court solutions. If done right, a virtual system could fix a lot of court-related problems. It would allow judges to work around their schedules better and give attorneys improved access to online resources. It also might provide a way for jurors to improve their understanding by permitting them to do some research, although this could be especially problematic. from TechNewsWorld

From Hobby to Career Path: Tech-Savvy HS Sophomore Learns by Doing

What started out as a 13-year-old's hobby to feed his passion for technology has turned into a business for Skyler Ficklin, operator of the QuitZoom website and iSkyler YouTube video channel. Ficklin, stuck at home while his Ohio high school is closed due to COVID-19, spends his days and nights completing online learning assignments to end his sophomore year. Then he diverts attention to hands-on activities to learn more about journalism, audio and video production techniques, Web design and cinematography. from TechNewsWorld

How to Soup Up Your Home WiFi With Multiple Repeaters and Access Points

Does flaky Internet connectivity have you scrounging for solutions? The COVID-19 pandemic increased our demand for Internet service due to working from home, online learning for kids, and video conferencing with colleagues and family members. For many people stuck at home, Internet connectivity issues became more troublesome in recent months. To make matters worse, Internet providers may be unwilling to send repair techs into your home to fix your problems. Use these tips to improve your WiFi range and performance. from TechNewsWorld

Will Apple's AR Glasses Be Ready for Spring 2021 Debut?

Apple may launch an augmented reality line of smart glasses in the spring of 2021. The new peepers will be called "Apple Glass" and sell for $499, with prescription lenses costing more, based on the latest leaks. Both lenses are displays that support gesture interaction. The glasses will work in conjunction with an iPhone. "These rumors have been building up for quite some time, but this is the most cohesive information we've had on this so far," said George Jijiashvili, senior analyst at Omdia, a research and consulting firm. from TechNewsWorld

Linux Foundation Joins Ranks of International Standards Submitters

The Linux Foundation has achieved a major milestone: formal status on the international standards front. Its Joint Development Foundation received approval as an ISO/IEC JTC 1 Publicly Available Specification Submitter. The submitter status designation benefits the global business and technical ecosystem by enabling accelerated adoption of open standards and specifications. It represents opportunities for Linux Foundation projects to achieve international standards adoption for the world's most important and emerging technologies. from TechNewsWorld

Apple Gingerly Sets More Stores to Reopen

Apple has reopened nearly 100 of its retail outlets around the world and plans to open another 25 in the U.S. and 12 in Canada. All of its retail stores previously were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. "Our commitment is to only move forward with a reopening once we're confident we can safely return to serving customers from our stores," noted Apple SVP of Retail Deirdre O'Brien. "We look at every available piece of data -- including local cases, near and long-term trends, and guidance from national and local health officials." from TechNewsWorld

4 Amazing Things Nvidia Showcased at Its Virtual GTC

Nvidia just held its GTC event, and of the virtual keynotes I've seen so far, CEO Jensen Huang's was the best. That's because the company made the decision to cut it into segments, mostly under 16 minutes, so viewers didn't have to watch things they weren't interested in. Jensen mixed up the content between the speaker, videos and static images, so it was interesting to watch. Nvidia used its technology during the pitch rather than just talking about it. What I found most fascinating were several things that likely will revolutionize the world. from TechNewsWorld

Modicia OS Ultimate Comes With Cool, Unique UI Twists

If you are looking for a really cool Linux computing platform with lots of extras and a twist on traditional desktop design, check out Modicia OS Ultimate. If you distro hop or browse through traditional outlets for Linux operating systems, you probably will not stumble on this gem, but it definitely is a discovery worth finding. Modicia OS Ultimate is a general purpose optimized computing platform that works right out of the box for use in every field -- amateur or professional. It is one of the easiest Linux offerings I have used. from TechNewsWorld

How to Stay Safe on the Internet, Part 4: Fighting the Power

Category 2 adversaries are nothing to sneeze at, but their resources are finite. If you armor up enough, they will give up, and move onto an easier comparable target. In confronting the threat of category 3, everything you have learned ratchets up to a whole new level of paranoia. Category 3 adversaries have functionally unlimited resources for pursuing top targets. Often called "nation-state actors" or "advanced persistent threats," they have tax revenue, national sovereignty and the law behind them. from TechNewsWorld

How to Solve WiFi Speed and Connection Problems

In theory, all you need is a shiny new router for hassle-free wireless connections in your home or small office. Yet in practice, your wireless reception often will be plagued with interference issues. Interference can cause slow delivery, higher latency than hardwired connections, frequent disconnects and reconnects, and sometimes a complete inability to access a WiFi signal. These problems can be tricky to solve. Unless you are lucky, the solution is not as simple as changing routers. from TechNewsWorld

Microsoft, Intel Combine Deep Learning and Pixels to Nix Malware

Microsoft and Intel researchers have found a way to combine artificial intelligence and image analysis to create a highly effective means to combat malicious software infections. The researchers call their approach "STAMINA" -- static malware-as-image network analysis -- and say it's proven to be highly effective in detecting malware with a low rate of false positives. What STAMINA does is take binary files and turn them into images that artificial intelligence software can analyze using "deep learning." from TechNewsWorld

Abandoned Open Source Code Heightens Commercial Software Security Risks

Outdated or abandoned open source components are persistent in practically all commercial software, putting enterprise and consumer applications at risk from security issues, license compliance violations, and operational threats, concludes the Synopsys 2020 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis Report. The report highlights trends and patterns in open source usage within commercial applications. It provides insights and recommendations to help organizations better manage their software risk. from TechNewsWorld

Thunderbolt Flaw Opens Door for 'Evil Maid' Attack

A Dutch researcher has revealed a novel way to crack into a personal computer through a Thunderbolt port. The method, dubbed "Thunderspy" by researcher Björn Ruytenberg, sidesteps the login screen of a sleeping computer, as well as its hard disk encryption, to access all its data. "Thunderspy is stealth, meaning that you cannot find any traces of the attack. It does not require your involvement, i.e., there is no phishing link or malicious piece of hardware that the attacker tricks you into using," Ruytenberg explained. from TechNewsWorld

IBM's Strategic Approach to Diversity

IBM's outgoing CEO Ginni Rometty gave a compelling talk at IBM Think last week on how the company is are fighting strategically for diversity. I know of only one other company, Cisco, that is taking a genuinely holistic, strategic view of the problem, resulting in a broad positive impact. The reason I can name only two companies is that most are taking a tactical approach. The government also moved tactically with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which is why there hasn't been sustained progress. from TechNewsWorld

MakuluLinux Delivers Modernity With New Core Platform

If you are looking for a well-designed Linux distro that is far from mainstream, loaded with performance features not found elsewhere, check out the 2020 upgrade of the MakuluLinux Core distro. It could change your perspective on what a daily computing driver should offer. Developer Jacque Montague Raymer recently released the 2020 edition, which integrates some of the features of its two cousins and improves its homegrown user interface. The result is a modern Linux platform. from TechNewsWorld

Information Security: New Rules

Warren Buffet once said, "Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked." You can cover over a host of sins when times are good, but bad or unsafe practices will be exposed when times are rough. Time and experience have borne out how accurate this witticism has been in the financial arena -- and we're now seeing how it can be true when it comes to the intersection of information security and COVID-19. From an information security standpoint, current events have brought about a "new normal" in what we do and how we do it. from TechNewsWorld

Microsoft Covers All the Bases With Impressive Surface Lineup

Microsoft has introduced a slew of new products, including the Surface Go 2, the Surface Book 3, Surface Headphones 2 and Surface Earbuds. Both the Surface Go 2 and the Surface Book 3 are offered in versions for the consumer and corporate markets. "The two products are very different," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "The Go 2 is a high-value product -- the Surface Book 3 high innovation." The Surface Go 2 "comes the closest to providing a compelling iPad alternative." from TechNewsWorld

Red Hat's Virtual Summit Crowds Hint at Future Conference Models

In what could be a trial run for more of the same, Red Hat held a first-ever virtual technical summit to spread the word about its latest cloud tech offerings. CEO Paul Cormier welcomed online viewers to the conference, which attracted more than 80,000 virtual attendees. The company made several key announcements and highlighted customer innovations around Kubernetes, hybrid cloud and next-generation computing. Cormier's keynote focused on the history of open source, virtualization, and hybrid and cloud technologies. from TechNewsWorld

Oculus Quest Production Stymied by Pandemic

The next generation of Oculus Quest virtual reality headsets is in the works, but pandemic-related product development and supply chain problems may delay market arrival. Oculus reportedly has multiple potential Quest successors on the drawing board. Smaller, lighter versions with a faster image refresh rate for more realistic rendering are in the advanced testing stage, but Facebook may have to wait until 2021 to start shipping them because of COVID-19. The models being tested reportedly are 10-15 percent smaller and weigh about a pound. from TechNewsWorld

Linux Foundation Leads Initiative for Better Digital Trust

The Linux Foundation will host the Trust over IP Foundation, a cross-industry effort to ensure more secure data handling over the Internet. This new foundation is an independent project enabling trustworthy exchange and verification of data between any two parties on the Internet. The ToIP Foundation will provide a robust common standard to give people and businesses the confidence that data is coming from a trusted source. The new protocol will allow them to connect, interact and innovate at a speed and scale not possible today. from TechNewsWorld

Far-Right Spreads COVID-19 Disinformation Epidemic Online

Far-right groups and individuals in the United States are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to promote disinformation, hate, extremism and authoritarianism. "COVID-19 has been seized by far-right groups as an opportunity to call for extreme violence," states a report from the London-based Institute of Strategic Dialogue. "This includes mobilization by white supremacist communities as well as the increased prevalence of memes which semi-ironically promote insurrectional violence across a range of social media platforms." from TechNewsWorld

3 Improvements the COVID-19 Pandemic May Force

The pandemic may force certain improvements but I'm not sure that it will , because political distractions are doing a rather good job of drawing our focus away from fixing things now. We should be ramping domestic manufacturing of PPEs and ventilators permanently to prepare for a likely huge fall spike in COVID-19 infections, but we aren't, which suggests that lessor priorities may not be getting the attention they need either. We tend to excessively focus on blame and not focus enough on avoiding the repetition of mistakes. from TechNewsWorld

How to Stay Safe on the Internet, Part 3: Drive the Black Hatters Mad

How do you know if you are at risk of being hacked? Like conventional criminals, criminal hackers choose easy and lucrative targets. One group in the crosshairs is made up of companies that have data on millions of users, such as private sector entities with a Web presence. Why go after data one user at a time when it's already collected in one place? Criminal hackers also like to hunt small organizations that have modest capital but weak information security. Ransomware, which is rampant against these targets, is particularly devastating. from TechNewsWorld

EndeavourOS 2020: Possibly the Best Arch Linux Option

EndeavourOS is a rolling release Arch Linux-based distribution with some handy new features that improve the user experience. This latest version comes with graphical install options and preconfigured desktop environments. It introduces several in-house utilities to improve package management and error reporting. There are lots of installation tips with the Calamares installer, which has a new look and feel. It now looks more like it belongs in EndeavourOS. Auto partitioning issues have been resolved. Encryption is another bonus. from TechNewsWorld