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Showing posts from June, 2020

Cybersecurity and Your New Remote Workforce

For most organizations, COVID-19 has been a literal transformative agent. Our organizations have almost overnight gone from environments where teleworking was an exception, to where it's the norm. As any student of human nature will tell you, people tend to view "the new" with reservation. There's a temptation when things are new to assume the worst about them. For security pros, this means we often view new things as riskier than things we're familiar with. from TechNewsWorld

Twitter's Security Blunder: More Dangerous Than You Think

Twitter had a data security problem last week that might sound trivial. Email addresses, phone numbers, and the last four digits of the credit cards used to buy ads on Twitter were left in browser cache after the transaction, and that cache was not secured. This may seem trivial, but the consequences could be far more significant than you might think. Let's explore how. from TechNewsWorld

Open Source Security Issues Exist: Deal With Them, Report Urges

Open Source Software is becoming much more commonplace within organizations, bringing a different set of risks and perceived challenges compared to closed source or proprietary software. The Information Security Forum has released a report to help security professionals recognize the benefits and perceived challenges of using Open Source Software. from TechNewsWorld

Email Scammers Using Old Tricks With New Twists

With much of the office workforce conducting business from home to escape the pandemic, scammers have revved up their trickery to scare you into falling for their credential harvesting schemes. Two new reports lay bare the new twists digital scammers are putting on old approaches to get you to unwittingly give up login credentials. from TechNewsWorld

Nintendo to Retreat From Mobile Gaming: Report

Nintendo seems to be uncomfortable with the dominant business model in the mobile-gaming market, which allows players to download and start playing a game for free, then entices them to spend money on the software through in-app purchases. Those tactics have come under the increased scrutiny of regulators, which also concerns Nintendo, a brand with a family-friendly image. from TechNewsWorld

Twitter Apologies for Data Security Incident

Twitter on Tuesday notified business clients that their personal information, including email addresses, phone numbers, and the last four digits of their credit card numbers may have been compromised. Self-serve advertisers that viewed billing information on or were affected. The issue occurred prior to May 20, 2020. However, Twitter only notified customers about it on June 23. from TechNewsWorld

Macs Move to Apple Silicon Announced at WWDC

Apple's 2020 Worldwide Developers Conference will probably be known for two things: it was the first time the forum was staged virtually, and it's when Apple announced it would start making Macs based its own processor designs. "Now it's time for a huge leap forward for the Mac, because today is the day we're announcing that the Mac is transitioning to our own Apple silicon," Apple CEO Tim Cook said during the virtual keynote presentation. from TechNewsWorld

Cisco and The Importance of Empathy in a Technology Vendor

Cisco Live was last week, and this was their first large scale virtual event. What made this event very different from the other games was the amount of effort they put into socially responsible projects. Many of the customer projects they highlighted are dealing with a variety of world problems, be they related to the pandemic or not. from TechNewsWorld

Ubuntu Unity Distro: An Unofficial Desktop Revival

Perhaps one of the most missed Linux desktop environments is Ubuntu Unity Desktop. It was either loved or hated by users otherwise endeared to the vastly popular Ubuntu Linux OS. An infant cottage industry of sorts has made a smattering of appearances and disappearances with replacement Unity integrations. That brings us to this week's Linux distro review of Ubuntu Unity Distro 20.04, developed by Rudra Saraswat. from TechNewsWorld

Teen Inventors Tackle Viability of Commercial Drones

Welcome to the world of four Naperville North High School students in a western suburb of Chicago. Their entrepreneurial and technical skills earned them the Pete Conrad Scholar award for their invention of Airlyft, a versatile drone. TechNewsWorld recently met with these student innovators to discuss how they applied teamwork and persistence to overcome constant setbacks imposed by COVID-19. from TechNewsWorld

Qualcomm Introduces 5G and AI-Enabled Robotics Platform

Qualcomm has announced its Robotics RB5 platform, with 5G and 4G connectivity, on-device AI and machine learning. The platform's Qualcomm QRB5165 processor, which is customized for robotics applications, offers a heterogeneous computing architecture coupled with the 5th-generation Qualcomm AI Engine that delivers 15 Tera Trillion Operations Per Second (TOPS) of AI performance. from TechNewsWorld

Intel Says 'Tiger Lake' Will Drown Control-Flow Malware

The next generation of Intel mobile processors will include malware protection built into the chip. The protection, provided by Intel's Control-Flow Enforcement Technology, will first be available in the company's "Tiger Lake" mobile processors. CET is designed to protect against the misuse of legitimate code through control-flow hijacking attacks, which is widely used in large classes of malware. Of the 1.097 vulnerabilities Trend Micro discovered through its Zero Day Initiative from 2019 to today, 63.2 percent were related to memory safety. from TechNewsWorld

Tech Products That Make It Easier to Stay Home

Being locked up at home due to the pandemic can drive people a little nuts. Several technology products have been particularly helpful while sheltering in place, making this semi-forced timeout feel less like a punishment and more like something I could endure. The Atmoph Window 2, for example, looks like a picture on your wall, but inside the frame is a connected 27-inch 4K display that is tied to remote cameras providing real-time video feeds of remote locations. It may show Paris at times and then switch to China or Italy, for example. from TechNewsWorld

PsychOS: A Crazy Cool Distro That Pushes Linux Limits

One of the great joys of constantly checking out new or obscure Linux operating systems is finding some insane innovations that stand out from the crowded collection of distros. The current release of PsychOS Linux, code-named "Insane," possibly might blow your mind. This distro is really an off-the-wall project with the potential to become a thing unto itself. PsychOS is a systemd-free, GNU/Linux operating system based on Devuan ASCII -- a fork of Debian Linux. PsychOS Linux is a strange duck in the Linux distro world. It is very retro-esque. from TechNewsWorld

The Strange, Meandering Journey to Online Speech Regulation

There has been a lot of debate in the public sphere around the degree and kind of legal regulation a society should apply to online speech. While the dialogue has become more intense and urgent in the last few years, the effort to impose limits on Internet speech has been contentious from the start. At the present juncture, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is undergoing reconsideration. It's easy to take knee-jerk stances on Internet speech regulation, but they generally do not achieve satisfactory or sustainable end results. from TechNewsWorld

New Flaws in Intel's CPU Software Guard Extensions Revealed

Two separate teams of academic researchers have published papers describing flaws in Intel's Software Guard Extensions. SGX enhances application security by letting developers partition sensitive information into enclaves with hardware-assisted enhanced security protection. The aim is to protect application code and data from disclosure or modification. The recently uncovered flaws can prevent SGX from achieving its goal by compromising long-term storage, and by allowing attackers to control data leakage. from TechNewsWorld

Apple to Design Its Own ARM-Based Mac Chips

Apple plans to announce a new processor for its Mac computer line at its virtual World Wide Developers Conference later this month, according to a report. The company will begin using an ARM chip based on Apple's A14 processor, which will be featured in the next iPhone. The computers will continue to use macOS and not Apple's mobile operating system, iOS. ARM chips tested inside Apple reportedly have shown sizable improvements over Intel-powered versions, especially in graphics performance and artificial intelligence. from TechNewsWorld

Linux Foundation Offers Discount-Priced Cloud Engineer Bootcamp

The Linux Foundation is priming the pump to help software engineers get cloud technology-certified through a self-paced bootcamp and discount pricing. LF last week announced the availability of the Cloud Engineer Bootcamp, its first-ever training bootcamp. This new offering enables individuals to go from complete IT beginner to certified cloud engineer in only six months. At $599, the cost of the training program is far lower than similar bootcamps, which typically cost $999. The introductory price will be in effect through June 17. from TechNewsWorld

Brave Browser Caught Redirecting URLs for Cash

A browser that has received plaudits for privacy protection has been exposed for redirecting Web searches to make money. Brave, a browser with some 15 million monthly users, has been redirecting searches for cryptocurrency companies to links that produce revenue for the browser's owners through advertising affiliate programs. Twitter user Yannick Eckl revealed that when he searched for Binance, a cryptocurrency exchange, he was redirected to an affiliate version of the URL that profited Brave. from TechNewsWorld

Rethinking Remote Education

In these trying times, kids have to deal with a lot of stuff they weren't prepared for: a significant loss of weeks of education, damaged GPAs, and no assurance they'll be going back in the fall. However, some schools were able to pivot because they already had implemented remote programs that were mature, easily implemented, and designed by teachers for teachers. That's because some school districts have a critical mass of students who are widely spread geographically, or for other reasons can't make it to school. from TechNewsWorld

Back to the RSS Future

For understandable reasons, people feel worn down by the volume and composition of the media coming at them. This fatigue stems from a few compounding factors. There is a strong perception that the character of the information presented by the media is warped by highly polarized players. Nearly two-thirds of Americans across partisan affiliations believed that the existence of "too much bias in the reporting of news stories that are supposed to be objective" constituted "a major problem" in our media, based on a 2018 survey. from TechNewsWorld

Linuxfx 10: A Smart, Easy Way to Transition From Windows

Linuxfx 10 could provide businesses and consumers with a Windows 7-like experience that puts users on a smooth downhill path to Linux adoption. Distributions that tweak styles and desktop environment settings to create a Windows-clone type of familiar experience are now numerous, but they often fail to entice reluctant users to stay the course and remain with Linux. Linuxfx 10 is the closest pathway I have seen to transitioning from real Windows 7 or 10 to Linux with a convincing Windows overlay. from TechNewsWorld

Microsoft Sacks Editors, Gives Jobs to AI

Some 50 editors working for MSN, Microsoft's news operation, have learned their contracts won't be renewed and their jobs will be performed by artificial intelligence software, according to multiple news reports. The contractors hired through staffing agencies Aquent, IFG and MAQ consulting were notified May 27 that their services would not be needed beyond June 30. MSN will use AI to do the jobs of the editors, which include identifying trending news stories, rewriting headlines, and adding photos and slideshows to stories. from TechNewsWorld

Twitter Ejects White Supremacist Account Posing as Antifa

Twitter has erased an account that claimed to be affiliated with the militant left-wing antifa movement but actually was operated by a white nationalist group. The group, Identity Evropa, began tweeting Sunday night, calling for violent action in the suburbs of cities where demonstrators were protesting the death of George Floyd, a black man who died while in the custody of police in Minneapolis. Twitter scotched the account because it violated the company's manipulation and spam policy. from TechNewsWorld

Jack Dorsey and the End of Twitter

I'm a member of what is likely a reasonably sizable informal group of people who trained to be a CEO but declined the job -- in my case, several times. So I don't envy the position that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is in as he tries to figure out a way to do the right thing concerning the spread of false information and defend his company against an attack by the designated leader of the free world. I've been receiving email and social media queries asking me to use my influence to get Jack to do the "right thing." There are two issues with this. from TechNewsWorld