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Showing posts from August, 2020

25-Year Anniversary: How Windows 95 Forever Changed Personal Computing

Last week was the 25th anniversary of the biggest and most critical launch in computing history. The year running up to the Windows 95 launch was a fantastic mix of media showcases, previews, speculation and excitement. From the standpoint of demand, nothing that preceded the product even came close; and since then only Apple has been able to drive the same level of excitement. from TechNewsWorld

Cash Crunch Could Stymie Municipalities' Switch to EVs

Municipalities throughout the United States have been switching from diesel- and natural gas-powered vehicles to electric vehicles, to cut costs and reduce damage to the environment. However, funds are drying up as governments grapple with falling income due to lower taxes and business activity, along with increased costs to deal with the pandemic. from TechNewsWorld

Credential Harvesting Attacks Take Aim at Video Meeting Apps

Users of video conference tools should be aware of the growing risk of impersonation attacks. Cybercriminals are capitalizing on the exponential increase of users turning to Zoom and other platforms to collaborate across work and friend networks. Researchers have identified attacks stemming from Australia, Germany, the U.S. and elsewhere. from TechNewsWorld

Online Business Scams Decline as Consumer COVID Fraud Rises

Online bandits are decreasing their schemes against businesses but increasing COVID-19 scams aimed at consumers, according to a report released Tuesday by TransUnion. Suspected fraudulent digital transactions against businesses worldwide dropped nine percent from the lockdown phase of the pandemic to the reopening phase. from TechNewsWorld

OpenEEW Formed to Expedite Earthquake Warning Systems

A new coalition is building a low-cost solution to save lives in earthquake-threatened regions, rather than garnishing a profit from a new early-warning system. OpenEEW is an open-source IoT project with the goal to save lives by reducing the cost of earthquake early-warning (EEW) systems and accelerating their deployments globally. from TechNewsWorld

Pandemic Gooses Stolen Credentials Prices on Dark Web

After crashing in 2019, Dark Web markets for stolen credentials rebounded during the first half of 2020, largely due to major shifts in consumer behavior caused by the global pandemic. Hacked accounts for delivery services and physical fitness brands are some of the highest priced items on the market, according to a recent report. from TechNewsWorld

How Wing Is Plowing the Field for Drone Delivery

One of the enormous changes coming to us that has accelerated significantly of late is drone delivery, which promises to provide more speedy fulfillment of online orders. First for small items like meals and medicines, and eventually for larger items -- and even people. Still, drone delivery has some challenges to overcome. from TechNewsWorld

Health and Fitness App Exercises AI for Competitive Advantage

In-person workout sessions these days might seem like a thing of the past, while solitary workouts at home replace gym visits as an ongoing result of the pandemic. The use of artificial intelligence is not yet a common feature in fitness apps, but it is a main component in a popular India-based fitness app now focused on growing users in the U.S. and Canada. from TechNewsWorld

How to Protect Data From Natural Disasters

With hurricane season in full bloom and the additional prospect of natural disasters, the importance for companies to have disaster data plans in place is paramount. TechNewsWorld discussed disaster preparedness with a panel of IT experts. Check out their recommendations -- and make sure that you have not forgotten that one key thing that many companies forget to protect but regret afterward. from TechNewsWorld

Return of Remote Workers Brings New Challenges to IT Heads

For those business that got it right reopening their workplaces the first time around, they should be in pretty good shape for round two. But others that struggled to get a handle on operations will likely find themselves again in chaos -- especially where IT is concerned for the transplanted work-from-home employees. from TechNewsWorld

Digital Security Is as Easy as PGP

Average computer users would be forgiven for not having any idea what PGP is. There is so much going on below the surface of the modern computing experience that even critically important security tools like PGP are tucked away. To be sure, there are specialized circles that make regular explicit use of PGP. My aim in treating PGP here is twofold. The first is to shed some light on it for the uninitiated. The second, and more importantly, is to teach the daring among you how to wield this powerful tool. from TechNewsWorld

The Critical Nature of Qualcomm's Appellate Court Win

Last week Qualcomm won its appeal long after settling with Apple, after Apple allegedly got caught fabricating evidence. This decision is critical to the long-term position of the U.S. in the technology market, and showcases that the U.S. legal system, while clearly under a lot of stress, still works. from TechNewsWorld

The Long Journey Into Holographic Transportation

Who can forget Princess Leia's hologram asking for Obi-Wan Kenobi's help in the movie Star Wars ? That was perhaps the best-known hologram of the many used in the Star Wars franchise movies. The power and promise of holographic technology have been depicted in science fiction stories for years. Today, several companies are at work to bring immersive transportation to the real world. from TechNewsWorld

5G Rollout Includes Challenges to Supply Chain, WFH Value

The growing work-from-home movement amid the coronavirus and its likely continuing challenges is creating the need for more broadband capacity in more places. Mobile telco and other service providers are rallying around 5G wireless as the most promising solution for reliably faster Internet connectivity. But the path to rolling out 5G has been rocky and spotty. from TechNewsWorld

California's Early Warning Quake Alerts to Be Standard on Android Phones

Earthquake alerts are being incorporated into Android, Google's mobile operating system. The feature will be included in a refresh of Google Mobile Services, so a full operating system upgrade won't be necessary. That means the new addition will be available to most Android users -- except those in China, which doesn't use GMS. from TechNewsWorld

Apple, Microsoft, Facebook Rumble Over Game Streaming Apps

Apple's "Walled Garden" was built to protect consumers from malicious applications, but it can also protect the company from competition, as Microsoft and Facebook discovered recently. Late last week, Apple refused to allow Microsoft to offer its xCloud streaming gaming app for iOS and iPadOS at the Apple App Store. At the same time, it approved a scaled-down version of Facebook's gaming app, sans streaming gaming, into the store. from TechNewsWorld

Anatomy of Failure: Why It's Problematic That Zuckerberg Is the Least Trusted Big Tech CEO

Last week we ran a survey asking people which of the CEOs that were questioned by Congress last month is the most trustworthy. Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg took the dubious prize for last place . Tim Cook of Apple was voted the most trustworthy. There shouldn't be any competition; Facebook has the tools and information access to assure it is beloved. Yet Apple, which doesn't have anywhere near that level of reach nor engagement, has a far better image. Let's talk about ironic incompetence. from TechNewsWorld

Amazon Clears FCC Hurdle to Satellite Network

Amazon has cleared a major regulatory hurdle in its quest to deliver Internet service to unserved and underserved areas of the earth. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has approved, with some conditions, Amazon's Kuiper Project, a US$10 billion low-orbit constellation made up of more than 3,000 satellites. from TechNewsWorld

New Open Source Initiative Consolidates Security Goals

The Linux Foundation on Monday announced the formation of the Open Source Security Foundation as the latest initiative to improve software security. This cross-industry collaboration brings together industry leaders to improve the security of open-source software by building a broader community with targeted initiatives and best practices. from TechNewsWorld

Is the Gartner Magic Quadrant Obsolete?

Once upon a time, it seemed no organization had its finger on the pulse of technology more than research consulting firm Gartner. Global corporations, technology companies, and the investment community have trusted Gartner for insights and analysis across a range of market sectors. But today, that leading position has eroded, and the merits of one of the company's most widely known and used tools, the "Magic Quadrant," has lost its relevance. from TechNewsWorld

Google Bringing Cash, Nest to ADT

Google's Nest line of smart home products will be combined with ADT's security services in a partnership announced Monday by the two companies. As part of the agreement, Google will invest US$450 million into ADT to acquire a 6.6 percent interest in the security and smart home solutions provider. The deal gives Google access to an important channel for its smart home products. from TechNewsWorld

Congress vs. Big Tech: Breaking Up Is Hard (and Stupid) to Do

Like a lot of you, last week I watched the congressional testimony from the CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google -- and there were a lot of apparent things that were problematic. One is that there are folks in Congress that likely shouldn't be in Congress, and another is that each company has some serious issues they haven't dealt with. from TechNewsWorld