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Showing posts from October, 2020

AI's Potential to Manage the Supply Chain

Artificial intelligence has made noticeable changes to technologies around the world. Perhaps AI's most notable potential, however, is its role in the supply chain industry. The value of shrinking and localizing the supply chain process through the use of AI is more apparent than ever, and positions the technology as a vital tool. from TechNewsWorld

Some Smart Home Devices Headed to the 'Brick' Yard

The demand for smart home devices is projected to grow steadily over the next few years. Nonetheless, consumers should think carefully before making a purchase due to a trend of manufacturers phasing out "smart" products. While it does not look good when a smart device maker abandons a product line, these actions are far from random. from TechNewsWorld

Zoom Beefs Up User Security With End-To-End Encryption

Zoom gave its users a big security upgrade Monday when it rolled out end-to-end encryption for its online meetings network. E2EE puts control of the keys for scrambling data in the hands of meeting organizers. Before the E2EE rollout, encryption was done on Zoom's servers, where someone with access to those servers could intercept the data. When used correctly, E2EE can make it difficult for even the best-resourced intelligence agencies to eavesdrop on communication. from TechNewsWorld

Open Source Jobs Report Shows More Openings, Fewer Takers

The Linux Foundation and learning platform edX have released the latest open source jobs report which shows that, despite the pandemic, demand for open source technology skills continues to be strong. The 2020 Open Source Jobs Report reveals a spike in demand for DevOps talent, along with a continued lack of applicants with open source skills. from TechNewsWorld

Social Media Companies Top Data Grabber List

When it comes to an appetite for data, social media outfits are the most voracious, according to a recent study released by cybersecurity company Clario Tech. The analysis of nearly 50 of the world's biggest brands found that Facebook collects more than 70 percent of all the data it can collect legally about someone using its service. from TechNewsWorld

A Vision of the Future From Dell World

One of the most interesting parts of Dell World is the session on the future. This year, they spoke on a new branch of engineering that is solely AI-focused, the blended technology revolution surrounding food production, how AIs were intentionally corrupted, and how music, math, and the Internet create new entertainment types. from TechNewsWorld

The Trials and Tribulations of Paying Ransomware Hackers

There's no question that hackers are getting increasingly ambitious -- the average ransom demand increased from about $29,000 in 2018 to more than $302,000 in 2019. U.S. law doesn't prohibit paying ransom per se; but when victims pay monies to people or organizations who have been sanctioned by the U.S. government...they get into more trouble. from TechNewsWorld

Manifesto Hatched to Close Gap Between Business and IT

The BizOps Coalition hopes to bridge the gap between technology investments and business outcomes through an effort called the BizOps Manifesto. The BizOps movement has gained traction with leading organizations, helping them to better align IT with business outcomes. But more needs to be done. That led to the Manifesto's creation. from TechNewsWorld

Open Source Defies Conflicts of Interest: Red Hat Tells All

Red Hat, a major provider of open source solutions, has never had a comprehensive document guiding associate participation in open source projects, until now. Perhaps under the influence of its recent purchase by IBM, Red Hat recently announced the external publication of its open-source participation guidelines. The company released the guidelines on GitHub under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. from TechNewsWorld

DoJ to Google: Try This Antitrust Suit on for Size

Google found itself in the crosshairs of government regulators Tuesday as the U.S. Justice Department filed a civil lawsuit against the tech giant for unlawfully maintaining a monopoly in online search services and in search advertising. "This is a monumental case for the Department of Justice and, more importantly, for the American consumer," U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr said in a statement. from TechNewsWorld

Whom Can We Trust to Safeguard Healthcare Data?

Healthcare records were digitized to help prevent medical errors such as misdiagnoses nd mistakes with medication, but electronic health records have made it easier for bad actors to steal patients' highly personal information. Cybercriminals are further motivated by the fact that patient medical records are worth up to 10 times more than credit card numbers on the Dark Web. from TechNewsWorld

Aussies Mull State-Run Alternative to Facebook, Google

A warning by Facebook and Google that they may have to curb service to Australia if a controversial law takes effect this year has the Aussies reviewing their options, including setting up a publicly-funded social network. The idea was floated in a report titled "Tech-Xit: Can Australia survive without Google and Facebook?" from TechNewsWorld

Why are Homes and Autos Still Built the Old Fashioned Way?

We could build homes that stand up to hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and other disasters. We could build cars that are lighter and more fuel-efficient. Like the opening for the old TV show, "The Six Million Dollar Man," we have the technology. So why don't we use it? The reason is that people who build homes, cars, and other things would need to be retrained -- but the result would be a more sustainable and safer world. from TechNewsWorld

The Big Tech Regulation Rigamarole

The Big Tech companies have arguably done what they want over the years, arousing consumer anger and distrust, and numerous complaints by privacy and consumer rights groups. That includes cocking a snook at governments. While all of the Big Tech firms have been hit with multimillion-dollar fines at one time or another, many argue that's a drop in the bucket for companies that rake in billions of dollars annually. from TechNewsWorld

Microsoft Squelches Trickbot Ransomware Network

An outlaw online network that's been used to infect millions of computers with ransomware has been disrupted by Microsoft. The company announced Monday that, together with telecommunications providers around the world, it was able to cut off the infrastructure used by the Trickbot botnet so it could no longer be used to initiate new infections or activate ransomware already planted on computer systems. from TechNewsWorld

Microsoft Hones Edge in Time for Holiday Shopping

Microsoft has aggressively updated its new Chromium version of the Edge browser with several features that should help you find gifts and save money while remaining safer on the web. Let's talk about these improvements to Edge this week, and we'll close with a new notebook from Gateway, which appears to have the near-perfect blend of size, price, and performance for our new COVID-19 normal. from TechNewsWorld

Newest RoboLinux 11 Update Goes Far Beyond Typical Linux

RoboLinux is one of the most advanced desktop Linux distributions you can find. The latest release is even better, making it potentially THE best Linux variety available today for desktop users. The Oct. 9 release of RoboLinux 11.13 is an upgraded build of the project's Ubuntu-based distribution. But wait, there is a whole lot more to RoboLinux than just another Ubuntu-based retread. from TechNewsWorld

Drones for Hire Take to the Sky

Drones are now commonly used for aerial photography and videography, to cover live events, deliver small items, and to survey dangerous places and situations. While some companies maintain their own drone force, others prefer to outsource their use of drones to service providers that deal with the regulatory and legal issues that crop up with the commercial use of UAVs. from TechNewsWorld

Zoom's Got Game for Poker Players

Welcome to the new phenomenon of playing Zoom poker. It is a novel idea that is catching on as the pandemic continues. The video platform has become a popular solution for friends who miss their regular in-person poker games. It adds the missing element of banter and social interactions that playing cards and other table games alone on a computer just cannot provide. from TechNewsWorld

HP Takes Us One Step Closer to a Virtual Tomorrow

We're moving at an impressive rate to create virtual worlds, but we have missed several critical elements. Now HP has taken a considerable step to usher us to a future where we really can mostly exist in a virtual, rather than real, office environment; and not only get more done, but be safer as well. from TechNewsWorld

Controversial Plan Urges DoD to Recruit Tech Pros to WFH

The United States Defense Innovation Board has recommended that the Pentagon hire civilians to work from home who can handle classified information as a way of attracting people with technology expertise. The individuals sought "will have technical degrees and/or highly specialized skills in digital technologies and innovation needed across the U.S. Department of Defense," which is undergoing digital transformation. from TechNewsWorld

Cybersecurity Assessment and the Zero Trust Model

Instead of legacy security models that differentiate a "trusted" interior from an untrusted external one, zero trust instead assumes that all networks and hosts are equally untrustworthy. Once this fundamental shift in assumptions is made, you start to make different decisions about what, who, and when to trust, and acceptable validation methods to confirm a request or transaction is allowed. from TechNewsWorld