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Showing posts from February, 2021

Successful Phishers Make Slim Gains in 2020

Catastrophic events, like a pandemic, coupled with hasty technological change such as many people forced to work from home immediately, have been a rich environment in the past for phishers, who use deception to infect machines with malware, steal credentials, and invade corporate networks. However, malicious actors achieved only a marginal increase in success in 2020, according to a recent report. from TechNewsWorld

Lessons Learned From the SolarWinds Supply Chain Hack

In a recent Linux Foundation blog post titled "Preventing Supply Chain Attacks like SolarWinds," the foundation's Director of Open Source Supply Chain Security, David A. Wheeler, adamantly pushed the need for software developers to embrace the LF's security recommendations. Given the magnitude of the SolarWinds hack, LinuxInsider asked Wheeler to dive deeper into how supply chain security standards might benefit from the LF's latest advice. from TechNewsWorld

Silver Sparrow Malware Hatched on 30,000 Macs

Nearly 30,000 Macs have been infected with a new malware strain. Discovered by researchers at Red Canary, the malware has been sitting on it hosts waiting for a payload that never arrived. In a statement provided to TechNewsWorld, Apple said that upon discovering the malware, it revoked the certificates of the developer accounts used to sign the packages, preventing new machines from being infected. from TechNewsWorld

It's Time to Consider 3D Printed Homes

This emerging building method is far less wasteful, far faster, and far cheaper to build much sturdier homes. The only real downside is that the skills and technology to build these houses aren't widely available yet. Still, a shift to 3D printed building could create many new jobs, and the training required isn't considered exceedingly difficult. Let's talk about 3D printed homes, and we'll close with the product of the week, the ARM-based HP Elite Folio. from TechNewsWorld

Researchers Repurpose Drugs to Fight COVID in Elderly

Researchers have discovered a way to identify existing drugs that can be potentially repurposed to fight COVID-19 in the elderly. The researchers said they have plans to share their findings with pharmaceutical companies, but added that before any drugs can be repurposed for use on elderly COVID-19 patients, clinical testing will be required. from TechNewsWorld

How Biometric Authentication Methods Will Revamp the Commerce Experience

As they become more prominent, consumers will enjoy shopping experiences that no longer rely on payments from a piece of plastic with a four-digit pin. Instead, consumers will use unique motion sensors in smartphone devices to passively authenticate people using their walking behavior and other contextual biometric signals. Some of these contactless procedures are already being deployed. from TechNewsWorld

A New Twist to Virtual Desktop Cloud Computing

Desktop as a Service provider Shells offers a new component to virtual cloud computing. It brings Linux distros and Windows 10 to any computer, mobile device, and some game consoles, via any Web browser. The U.S.-based startup went online in the first quarter of last year. Since then, CEO and founder Alex Lee has been drumming up favorable responses from businesses, casual users, and Linux developers. from TechNewsWorld

The Future of Cybersecurity in 2021 and Beyond

Cybersecurity experts predict that in 2021 there will be a cyberattack incident every 11 seconds. This is nearly twice what it was in 2019, and four times the rate five years ago in 2016. The rapidly growing increase in cyberattacks worldwide comes at a hefty cost for businesses in order to better protect their computer networks from intrusions. Cyberattacks not only are increasing in frequency, but they are costing victims larger financial losses. from TechNewsWorld

The Evolving Future of the Office

I participated in a group analyst event several weeks ago about companies converting their offices into collections of meeting rooms. We couldn't picture people who have been meeting remotely for so many months suddenly concluding that the long commute to and from the office was worth meeting in person; given they are now okay with using solutions like Webex or Microsoft Teams. from TechNewsWorld

Wearable Device Aims to Diminish Distractions, Sharpen Focus

Foci is a "Focus Wearable" device by U.K.-based company Tinylogics that combines cognitive biometrics with artificial intelligence and machine learning to help you focus better. That combination of technologies presents an eerie yet intriguing approach to help people easily bothered by mental distractions a way to clear out their brain clutter. from TechNewsWorld

Hacker Attempts To Poison Florida City's Water Supply

A cyber intruder broke into the computer network of the water treatment system of Oldsmar, Fla. and attempted to poison it with lye. News of the attack was made public Monday by officials of Oldsmar, who revealed the attack was foiled by an operator at the facility within minutes of its launch. The Oldsmar plant provides water to businesses and about 15,000 residents. from TechNewsWorld

Global EV Sales Growth Leads Industry in 2020

Global sales of electric vehicles in 2020 surged despite a drop in overall sales of passenger cars, according to a report from Canalys. Sales of EVs jumped 39 percent globally, reaching 3.1 million units, while sales of passenger vehicles fell 14 percent. Europe was a prime driver of EV sales last year, with the vehicles garnering 11.5 percent of new car sales in the region. from TechNewsWorld

The Unforeseen Consequences of Amazon's Boardroom Switch

Jeff Bezos last week announced he will be stepping down from his role of CEO Amazon. Bezos is following Microsoft's lead and putting his cloud executive Andy Jassy in charge of the company. Given that Microsoft was exceedingly successful with putting Satya Nadella in the same role, it would seem that this would be a slam-dunk success. But the issue is that Amazon is not Microsoft. from TechNewsWorld

Is 2021 the Year Cyberattacks Force Privacy Laws to Grow Some Teeth?

Cyberattacks are increasing in frequency, ramping up the data privacy threats they pose to government agencies and businesses alike. Governments both domestic and foreign need to step up efforts to pass legislation that bolsters technological defenses this year, warn privacy groups. Stiffer privacy laws are gradually being reviewed and signed into the U.S. market. But that process is mostly taking place at the state level. from TechNewsWorld

Quantum Computing Leaps Forward With New 'Gooseberry' Chip

A team of scientists and engineers has invented a cryogenic computer chip capable of functioning at temperatures near absolute zero, which could enable a new crop of high performance quantum computers capable of performing calculations with thousands of qubits, or more. Quantum computers, up to now, could only accommodate a few dozen qubits. That's why the new cryo chip is such a breakthrough. from TechNewsWorld

Ubuntu Core 20 Brings Better Industrial IoT Control

Canonical on Feb. 2 made available Ubuntu Core 20. This new Ubuntu Core version boasts notable new device security innovations. Given the increasing numbers and sophistication of attacks by individual and state-sponsored cybercriminals, Canonical's efforts should be welcomed by both IoT device makers and their customers, according to Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. from TechNewsWorld

Aussies Play Bing Card in Dispute With Google

Microsoft is set to step in with its Bing search engine should Google make good on its promise to cut service to Australia in response to a proposed law to make tech firms pay for news content produced by the country's media companies. Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he has spoken to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who is confident Bing could meet the needs of Australians should Google exit. from TechNewsWorld

Rethinking the Sustainable Electric Automobile

Qualcomm has announced several products that will be used to enhance next-generation automobiles. These future cars will most certainly be electric and increasingly autonomous. Let's discuss that this week -- and we'll take a close look at a forthcoming Cadillac that could be more of a technology showcase than anything by Tesla. from TechNewsWorld