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Showing posts from May, 2021

Microsoft's Open-Source Pivot Is Creating a Great Place to Work

Microsoft isn't just building for the future. The company is focusing on tools that will allow an ever-broader group of people to program for themselves. At the heart of this plan is Microsoft's pivot to open source; and while there were several benefits of that action highlighted at Microsoft Build last week, an important one was left out -- which is that Microsoft has become a far better place to work. from TechNewsWorld

App Designing Factors That Make or Break the Mobile Commerce Experience

Most businesses today that want an app have an app. But having one is not the entire process. The app maker and the business behind the mobile application still need to get it to actually work effectively. Because more people are using apps, many businesses are focusing on the bells and whistles to help them stand out -- instead of designing the apps to reach optimal efficiency. from TechNewsWorld

Encouraging Research Finds Brain Adjusts to 'Third Thumb'

Researchers at the University College London are giving new meaning to the expression "all thumbs." They've taken an award-winning graduate project from the Royal College of Art in London and are using it to test the brain's reaction to coping with additional body parts. The idea behind the project was to reframe traditional views of prosthetics through the use of a robotic thumb that can be attached to a hand. from TechNewsWorld

ARM vs. x86 Battle Royal: Why and How ARM Is Pulling Ahead

ARM and x86 have been doing battle for the last decade. ARM tried to move into the server market and failed; Intel, which carries most of the x86 burden, tried to move on cellphones and failed. The battle for tablets is ongoing with ARM in the lead, and the battle for notebooks continues with Intel mainly in the lead. Let's talk about how this is likely to play out, because the winner may end up with all of the chips. from TechNewsWorld

New Report Profiles Ransomware Cybergangs

That old adage about crime never pays could not be more false, at least when it comes to modern-day cybercriminals. For those bad actors using ransomware as their weapon, crime is paying more than ever. A new report by the eSentire security research team found that six ransomware gangs claimed at least 290 new victims fo far this year. The combined spoils tallied potentially $45 million for the hackers. from TechNewsWorld

Dissecting the Colonial Pipeline Incident

IT experts at the hacked Colonial Pipeline did a good job in mitigating the May 7 cyberattack and successfully stopped it when discovered by shutting down the network. But the attack was mostly invisible in the weeks-long initial stages, according to a briefing NTT Security executives conducted Tuesday. from TechNewsWorld

Research Exposes 10 Common Threats Vexing Cloud Customers

New research by threat detection and response firm Vectra AI shows that the most common threats to corporate networks remain consistent throughout all companies -- regardless of their size. Researchers calculated the relative frequency of threat detections that were triggered during a three-month span. The results detail the top 10 threat detections that customers receive by relative frequency. from TechNewsWorld

Mobile Devices Under Siege by Cyberattackers

Cybercriminals are deliberately targeting phones, tablets, and Chromebooks to increase their odds of finding a vulnerable entry point. The Financial Services Threat Report from Lookout disclosed that 20 percent of mobile banking customers had a trojanized app on their devices when trying to sign into their personal mobile banking account. from TechNewsWorld

Apple Needs This New Hire to Be Heroic

For anyone that still believes that Apple can be more than an incredibly profitable company; but one you can also be proud of for how it treats its people and customers, incoming VP of worldwide communications Stella Low could be the critical remedy for what ails the firm. Let's talk about Apple this week. Then we'll close with the product of the week: the HP Elite Folio Notebook. from TechNewsWorld

Alliances Formed to Plug Security Holes in the IoT

Advancements in 5G connectivity and accelerated digital transformation of business operations creates heightened risk and expanded attack surfaces for security teams to harden and protect. Now, efforts by several internet industry groups are focused on new measures to fix inherent security weaknesses with the rapidly expanded use of IoT devices for enterprises and consumers. from TechNewsWorld

Two-Thirds of CISOs Admit They're Not Ready to Face a Cyberattack

The 2021 edition of Proofpoint's Voice of the CISO report -- based on a survey of more than 1,400 CISOs in 14 countries -- found 66 percent of the executives acknowledged their organizations were unprepared to handle a targeted cyberattack this year. In addition, more than half the CISOs admitted they are more concerned about the repercussions from a cyberattack this year than they were in 2020. from TechNewsWorld

Allow App to Track? Most iOS 14.5 Users Tap Fuggedaboutit!

More than 90 percent of U.S. users of the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system iOS 14.5 are taking advantage of a new feature to block an application's ability to track their activity on their phones. Worldwide, 88 percent of users shut down app tracking on their iPhones. This is bad news for advertisers. from TechNewsWorld

Dell Apex Sets High Bar for As-A-Service Offerings

Last week at Dell Technologies World, the most significant announcement was a massive as-a-service offering called Dell Technologies Apex. This promises to return the IT market to its long lost but fondly remembered IBM past. Let's talk about Apex this week. We'll then close with the product of the week, an impressive new WiFi 6E wireless mesh solution from Linksys. from TechNewsWorld

Software Business Driving US Jobs, GDP Growth

The software industry fueled jobs and GDP growth in the United States in 2020, according to a report by the BSA Foundation. The software industry supported more than 15.8 million jobs in 2020. While the largest concentrations of software jobs remain in traditional tech hubs, such as Washington and California, other states have experienced greater job growth. from TechNewsWorld

Outdated Windows Users Flout Computing Safety

A recent study by Kaspersky revealed that nearly one quarter of PCs still run Microsoft Windows 7, which stopped receiving mainstream support in January 2020. Using an end-of-life operating system that no longer receives security updates is akin to driving a car with a brake light on, suggested Oliver Tavakoli, CTO at Vectra AI. from TechNewsWorld

Autonomous Cars + IoT, and Life or Death Decisions

An ecosystem is being created where cars and robots are autonomous and connected so they will be able to connect to other devices, sensors, and data repositories available to them. Let's explore some safety risks associated with this future connectivity on our roadways. We'll then close with the product of the week: a new tablet that is Amazon's first real effort to build a Surface-like laptop. from TechNewsWorld