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Showing posts from June, 2021

Reputation Management: Duking It Out With Doxing

Cancel culture and politics aside, one of the more brutal threats lurking in the shadows of the internet is the slander industry. All too often, unsuspecting people become victims of websites that promote slanderous, often unverified information about individuals. This false and vilifying information lives on the internet forever and can sully an otherwise spotless reputation. from TechNewsWorld

Apply Meaningful Metrics to Makeover Your Product Code

Effective metrics provide a point of comparison for the business and become behavior-changing in how decisions are made, according to Aurimas Adomavicius, president of Devbridge, a global digital products consultancy. TechNewsWorld spoke with Adomavicius to pursue the concept of how software developers can put meaningful metrics to work. from TechNewsWorld

Windows 11: The Beginning of a New PC Age

Windows 11 shows a massive change in focus from earlier significant releases, which pretty much assures that the Microsoft's mistakes of the past won't be repeated, at least not under the current leadership. It also suggests a path to the next version of Windows -- which for now we'll call Windows 12 -- that could be even more groundbreaking. from TechNewsWorld

Microsoft Lifts the Blinds on Windows 11

Microsoft has unveiled Windows 11 as a redesigned computing platform that feels familiar but has numerous changed components. It offers new ways for users to create, learn, play, and connect with others globally. Feeling familiar may take some adjusting, however. Windows 11 is built around a simplified user interface for productivity, creativity, and ease of use. from TechNewsWorld

SEC Reportedly Probing SolarWinds Breach

Clients of SolarWinds, which experienced a high-profile data breach last year, are being targeted in a probe by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, according to a Reuters report. "The impact of these large-scale breaches clearly has the potential to destabilize stock prices and the broader stock market, so it makes sense that the SEC would pursue such a line of inquiry," said Oliver Tavakoli, CTO of Vectra AI. from TechNewsWorld

Rapid Growth Makes Amazon Leader in Streaming Video Market

In six short years Amazon has risen from worst to first in the video streaming pack, according to a survey released by consumer market research firm Parks Associates. In its annual survey of the smart TV and streaming box market, Parks revealed that Amazon surged to a 36 percent share during the first quarter of this year. from TechNewsWorld

HP Sets Example of How to Prioritize Sustainability

HP this month announced the release of its Sustainable Bond Framework, which will be used to issue bonds to help the company finance projects for a more sustainable future. Let's talk about this move to sustainability. We'll then look at the product of the week -- a mobile workstation which appears to be the lightest so far released into the market. from TechNewsWorld

Can Chemical Recycling Technology Solve the Plastic Pollution Problem?

Lately there has been a noticeable uptick in buzz around chemical recycling technology as a potential solution to the plastics crisis. Meanwhile, critics point to drawbacks which include environmental health risks, inefficiency in terms of the amount of waste plastic that becomes new plastic, and high costs. from TechNewsWorld

Reports of TurboTax Breach Greatly Exaggerated

Reports of a data breach of TurboTax have been overblown, according to Intuit which owns the tax preparation platform. Several news outlets recently reported that an unspecified number of TurboTax accounts were compromised in a wave of credential stuffing attacks. Those kinds of attacks exploit credentials stolen from other websites and reused at the TurboTax site. from TechNewsWorld

Microsoft Sets 2025 End Date for Windows 10 Support

Microsoft quietly edited a document on its website over the weekend to reveal it's planning to end support for Windows 10 Home and Pro on October 14, 2025. The revelation comes just before Microsoft's "What's Next Windows" event scheduled for June 24 and amidst hints from CEO Satya Nadella that a major new version of Windows is in the wings. from TechNewsWorld

Amazon Sidewalk and Why Marketing Expertise Matters

The problem with Amazon Sidewalk isn't the technology. It's the lack of clever marketing which is pervasive in the technology market. Let's explore one of the sustained weaknesses in tech -- the lack of critical marketing acumen. We'll then close with the product of the week, an alternative to the Ring video camera that also might make a quick and easy Father's Day present. from TechNewsWorld

The Emerging Tech Affect on HR Processes

With Covid, increased numbers of people have been working remotely, and many will continue to do so post-pandemic. This has fundamentally altered how work is done; not only by company staff, but by HR professionals. This societal shift, combined with the continued emergence of new digital technologies, means that the field of human resources is in the midst of radical evolution. from TechNewsWorld

Fastly System Error Causes Global Content Blackout

A configuration error in the systems of content delivery provider Fastly knocked out numerous large websites and apps around the globe Tuesday. The event served up a reminder of how distributed networks play a critical role in the internet today -- and how important it is to make sure that the software in distributed systems is running properly. from TechNewsWorld

Apple Raises Curtain on New OS Features at WWDC21

Apple on Monday revealed dozens of new features in the latest versions of its mobile and desktop operating systems at the kickoff of its annual Worldwide Developers Conference. "The emphasis of the whole presentation seemed to be making Apple products more useful for consumers," observed Gartner Senior Principal Analyst Tuong Nguyen. from TechNewsWorld

Father's Day 2021 Gift Guide: It's the Thought That Counts

Gift guides can be tricky because they are written at a specific point in time -- and time moves on. But what is also often the case is that the gift buyer punts without putting in much personal effort to the endeavor. So this year, rather than highlighting products, let's focus on the process of coming up with a gift for Father's Day. from TechNewsWorld

The Cybersecurity Outlook for 2021 and Beyond

Cyberattacks in the first half of 2021 have escalated globally to affect virtually every industry. Earlier this year TechNewsWorld spoke with cybersecurity experts about the expanding threat landscape, imminent threats, and what can be done to counter the ongoing offensives against the IT systems of companies, organizations, and government agencies. from TechNewsWorld

Report Predicts 25.7 Million Remote Jobs Available in Non-Tech Industries

Remote work appears to be here to stay. More than 25 million work-from-home jobs could be created in non-technology industries in the coming years, according to a report from Upwork. Professional services are involved in essentially every part of the economy, which means that there is widespread potential for remote freelancing, even in companies where most people need to be in person every day. from TechNewsWorld