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Showing posts from August, 2019

Autonomous Vehicle Development Fuels Industry Angst

In the Internet of Things -- or the "Intelligence of Things," which is more apt -- the automotive segment has become a leading center of innovation. Only healthcare offers the same ability to leverage advances in sensors, processing, connectivity and artificial intelligence technology to advance an industry while simultaneously improving society. As a result, the entire electronics and automotive ecosystem is racing to develop self-driving/autonomous vehicles. However, changing an established industry does not come without challenges. from TechNewsWorld

Drauger OS Makes a Capable Linux Game Console Platform

Drauger OS is a relatively new Linux distro for users with a penchant for games. Several design elements make this Linux gaming platform different from typical distributions that merely pack digital titles. However, it lacks a few productivity tools that otherwise would make it a daily computing driver out of the box. Based on Xubuntu, Drauger OS uses a modified Xfce4.12 desktop environment and runs only on 64-bit computers; no 32-bit gear is supported. This is a distro targeting game players who want good desktop performance. from TechNewsWorld

Verizon Steps Up Fight Against Rampant Robocalls

Verizon, the No. 1 mobile carrier in the United States, this week introduced a free version of its robocall-blocking app, which will be standard on all new Android devices. The company further announced that it will auto-enroll eligible Android users to its Call Filter service and block what are seen as "high-risk" calls. This includes calls from numbers that have been reported as fraudulent. Those calls will be sent to voicemail, while the display on caller ID will indicate "Potential Spam" to warn callers that it is likely a robocall. from TechNewsWorld

Instagram May Roll Out App for 'Real Friends' Sharing

A new application may be in the works that allows Instagram users to share real-time information with their closest friends. Called "Threads," the app allows users to set up automatic sharing with their closest Instagram buddies of such information as location, movement and battery life, as well as text, video and photo messages generated using Instagram's tools. Once you choose to activate Threads, it will automatically alert people on your Instagram "close friends" list about your location, movements and more. from TechNewsWorld

Report: Chinese Hackers Eye US Cancer Research

Chinese government-affiliated hackers have been making a concerted effort to steal medical research, particularly cancer research, from U.S. institutions. The step-up in medical research theft appears to be linked to China's growing concern over cancer mortality rates and increasing healthcare costs. Cancer in the leading cause of death in China. "As the PRC continues to pursue universal healthcare by 2020, controlling costs and domestic industry will surely affect the PRC's strategy to maintain political stability," the researchers wrote. from TechNewsWorld

Tips for Women and Girls Interested in STEAM Careers

I came to tech by accident. Formally trained in public health and international development, I was presented with a problem that needed to be fixed. Suffering from a naturally inquisitive mind as I do, it was only a few rabbit holes later that I found my world blown open by a richly diverse global network of coders, mappers, geeks and dreamers. These are folks who are trying to hack real-world development challenges faced by people fighting infectious disease outbreaks, communities piecing life back together in disasters' wake, and more. from TechNewsWorld

Apple, Tesla, IBM: Only One Has Gotten the 'Unique' Model Right

I'm struck by the extent to which Apple and Tesla are executing a model very similar to IBM's. While IBM has evolved to put the customer at the center always, Apple and Tesla are nuanced in that respect, much like IBM was in the past. I worked at IBM when it imploded in the early 1990s, so I can speak to what is in Apple and Tesla's future unless they learn the easy way what IBM learned the hard way: that the customer is always king, and mining a locked-in customer base to increase revenues and reduce costs will virtually always end badly. from TechNewsWorld

CryptoCurrency OS Makes It Easy to Buy and Spend Digital Cash

If you are ready to jump into the digital world of a bitcoin economy, CryptoCurrency OS might be your most convenient way to fast-track your entry. CryptoCurrency OS is a specialty Linux distribution that serves a niche user market destined to grow as the crypto economy continues to develop. This distro is packed with all the tools you need to create and manage your crypto accounts. It also is a fully functional Linux operating system. It is easy to use this distro as your daily computing platform. from TechNewsWorld

Will Consumers Balk at 5G Phone Prices?

Consumers could suffer from sticker shock when it comes time to buy a 5G-enabled phone, suggests a new report from IHS Markit. Although consumers expect to pay more money for 5G smartphones, the prices may exceed their expectations dramatically, with some devices selling for as much as 29 times more than what the average buyer might anticipate. Ninety-one percent of the survey respondents expected to pay more for 5G devices, but three quarters of those individuals expected prices to be just 10-25 percent more than a 4G handset. from TechNewsWorld

Fighting Cybercrime: Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Are the New A-Team

Cybersecurity and digital forensics are instrumental in creating effective defense, analysis and investigation of cybercrime. While both focus on the protection of digital assets, they come at it from two different angles. Digital forensics deals with the aftermath of the incident in an investigatory role, whereas, cybersecurity is more focused on the prevention and detection of attacks and the design of secure systems. Let's see how the two practices complement each other to stop malicious attacks and track down the criminals involved. from TechNewsWorld

Major Browsers Block Kazakhstan Government's Fake Safety Cert

Google, Mozilla and Apple have blocked a fake root certificate issued by Kazakhstan's government to spy on its citizens' online activities. The government instructed citizens to install the certificate on all of their devices, and it provided separate instructions for Android, iOS, Chrome, Firefox, and IE Web browsers. When those who installed the certificate attempt to access website using Chrome, Firefox or Safari, they now will see an error message stating that the "Qaznet Trust Network" certificate should not be trusted. from TechNewsWorld

Yubico Offers Dual Lightning, USB-C Dongle to Secure Devices

Owners of iPhones looking for an extra measure of protection when using applications and logging into websites can get it with a new dongle from Yubico. Its new YubiKey 5Ci, which retails for $70, supports both USB-C and Apple's Lightning connectors on a single device. The dual connectors can give security-conscious consumers and enterprise users strong hardware-backed authentication across iOS, Android, macOS and Windows devices. The YubiKey 5Ci supports a number of Apple iOS applications out of the box. from TechNewsWorld

Cerebras Debuts Big Chip to Speed Up AI Processes

Startup chip developer Cerebras has announced a breakthrough in high-speed processor design that will hasten the development of artificial intelligence technologies. Cerebras unveiled the largest computer processing chip ever built. The new chip, dubbed "Wafer-Scale Engine" -- pronounced "wise" -- is the heartbeat of the company's deep learning machine built to power AI systems. WSE reverses a chip industry trend of packing more computing power into smaller form-factor chips. Its massive size measures eight and a half inches on each side. from TechNewsWorld

Sanity-Saving Tips From a Heavy Traveler

I'm on the road about 50 percent of the time, and I'm often asked by those who don't travel much for advice on how to have a better trip -- what to carry with you, where to sit, how to manage frequent flier programs, and so forth. One of my first really bad travel experiences was during my stint in IBM Internal Audit. I was auditing an IBM corporate site when the rules were three-piece suit, white shirt and tie. As the auditor in charge, I was expected to set the example. I landed in heavy weather and my bags didn't make it. from TechNewsWorld

Slackel Linux Works Well Inside Its Openbox

The latest release of Slackel Linux renews and improves the mashup of Slackware and Salix built around an Openbox pseudo desktop environment. Slackel 7.2 hit the download servers on July 20, eight months after the release of Slackel 7.1 Openbox edition. Slackel also is available in two much older versions running the KDE and Fluxbox environments. All releases are available in 64-bit and 32-bit builds. Slackel, based in Greece, is a Linux distro a step away from the typical mainstream Debian-based Linux OS line. from TechNewsWorld

YouTube as Political Influencer Takes the Spotlight

YouTube, which operates as one of Google's subsidiaries, is under increased scrutiny after a report earlier this month highlighted the role it played in the recent presidential election in Brazil. Among concerns is YouTube's installation of a new AI system that can track user behavior to suggest additional videos to watch. The goal arguably is not much different from the way newspapers offer links to other stories to keep users on a site so they see more ads. The concern is that YouTube directed users to "paranoid far-right rants." from TechNewsWorld

28M Records Exposed in Biometric Security Data Breach

Researchers associated with vpnMentor discovered a data breach involving nearly 28 million records in a BioStar 2 biometric security database belonging to Suprema. "BioStar 2's database was left open, unprotected and unencrypted," vpnMentor said. "After we reached out to them, they were able to close the leak." BioStar 2 is Suprema's Web-based, open, integrated security platform. The vpnMentor team gained access to client admin panels, dashboards, back-end controls and permissions, which ultimately exposed 23 GB of records. from TechNewsWorld

How to Distro Hop With a Web Browser

Getting familiar with Linux up close and personal is easy to do with a free service provided by, which allows testing without ISO downloads or local installations. Are you a wandering Linux distro hopper looking for a way to streamline the selection process? Are you a Windows or macOS user who wants to try Linux? Linux has countless distributions and dozens of desktop environments. How can you choose? Now you can find the perfect combination of distro and desktop without leaving the Web browser running on your current system. from TechNewsWorld

Snap Unwraps $380 High-Tech Specs

With the announcement of its Spectacles 3 sunglasses, Snap must be hoping three times will be the charm. Unlike the two previous generations of the product, Spectacles 3 has two HD cameras to add depth perception to the peepers' repertoire. "The second camera for depth should improve capture and the overall experience, if not add anything truly new," said Eric Abbruzzese, senior analyst at ABI Research. The slick sunglasses have lightweight steel frames, circular lenses and, at $380, are more than twice what previous models cost. from TechNewsWorld

Samsung Announces Monster 108MP Smartphone Sensor

Samsung and Xiaomi have announced a new sensor for smartphone cameras comparable to those used in high-end DSLR shutterboxes. The new Isocell Bright HMX packs 108 megapixels on a three-quarter-inch sensor, similar to the sensors found in digital cameras that use interchangeable lenses. "If this new sensor performs as Samsung claims, it will enable smartphones to capture images that rival DSLR cameras," said analyst Charles King. Despite the HMX's powerful potential, the sensor probably won't impact the high-end camera market. from TechNewsWorld

Technology Could End Mass Shootings

I'm tired of being upset about mass shootings and the government's seeming lack of progress to end them. I'm particularly tired of the partisan bickering around talking points that have no basis in fact. The left wants this to be about guns. The right wants to blame mental illness and video games. What is needed is deep analysis to look at the causes, craft a fact-based solution, and then implement it. To do that, an organization like the CDC needs to do an in-depth analysis of the problem, which the right effectively has blocked. from TechNewsWorld

When Technology Makes Life Harder

The latest Windows 10 update hasn't gone smoothly for many users due to a conflict with an outdated driver for Intel's Rapid Storage Technology. This is somewhat ironic in that RST was designed to improve the performance of storage hardware. Certain versions have slowed the install process, and in some cases the program actually has made installation of the Version 1903 Windows 10 update impossible. Some users have been able to download a later version of RST and get the update to work, but for many others even that won't solve the problem. from TechNewsWorld

Galaxy Note10 Sharpens Samsung's Mobile Experience Vision

Samsung announced new devices and a deepening of its relationship with Microsoft at Samsung Unpacked, which showcased innovative new mobile experiences that work seamlessly and continuously anywhere and anywhen. "The line between work and play has pretty much disappeared, and that means we need technology that can seamlessly flow between the two," said Samsung Head of U.S. Product Management Mobile Drew Blackard. "These devices we're unveiling today are built for the new area of mobile productivity." from TechNewsWorld

Microsft Exposes Russian Cyberattacks on Phones, Printers, Video Decoders

The Russian hacking group known for stealing sensitive emails from the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 presidential election season has been cracking into printers, phones and video decoders to gain access to corporate networks, according to Microsoft. The group, known by a number of names including "Strontium," "Fancy Bear" and "APT 28," accessed the devices by using the manufacturer's default password or exploiting an unpatched flaw. After cracking a device, the intruders accessed its corporate network. from TechNewsWorld

Cloudflare Cuts Service to 'Cesspool of Hate'

Cloudflare has cut service to 8chan, an online forum it called a "cesspool of hate." The move was motivated by the role 8chan played in mass shootings in El Paso, Texas; Christchurch, New Zealand; and Poway, California. "The rationale is simple: They have proven themselves to be lawless and that lawlessness has caused multiple tragic deaths," wrote Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince. "Even if 8chan may not have violated the letter of the law ... they have created an environment that revels in violating its spirit." from TechNewsWorld

How Tech Could Rescue the Awful Democratic Debates

Like many of you, I watched eight-plus hours of Democratic debates last week, and they seem to be getting worse over time. The last effort made it look like CNN was trying harder to create drama than to help people make a choice among the candidates. We have a ton of technology -- some new, some in place for decades -- that could make this process far more informative and help people to make a decision that's right for them. It also might get people excited about the election, so they actually would vote. from TechNewsWorld

TROM-Jaro: A New Twist on Open Source Freedom

TROM-Jaro Linux offers a new twist on the concept of open source as free software. First released as a beta version last December, TROM-Jaro's second and current non-beta release pushed out in June. This new distro is a custom-built version of the popular Manjaro Arch Linux. It is probably more accurate to describe TROM-Jaro as a strategically modified version of Manjaro Linux. The unnamed developers used the Manjaro community tools to construct the modifications. That rebuilding is perfectly legitimate in the open source software world. from TechNewsWorld

Is Biometrics ID Security Good Enough?

United Airlines has announced plans to begin rolling out Clear's biometric prescreening at its hub airports. The system works by verifying a flier's fingerprints or eye scan. Clear already is available at about 60 locations throughout the United States. It offers a system that utilizes biometrics to speed preapproved travelers to the front of the security lane, and even ahead of TSA Pre-Check fliers. There now are at least 53 biometric systems used just by the aviation industry. from TechNewsWorld

UCSF Researchers Synthesize Speech From Brain Waves

Researchers led by speech neuroscientist Edward Chang at the University of California San Francisco have achieved success at decoding speech attempts in real time by reading the activity in the speech centers of test subjects' brains. Three persons capable of normal speech, who were being treated for epilepsy, participated in the study. They permitted the researchers to make use of tiny recording electrodes that previously were placed on the surface of their brains to map the origins of their seizures in preparation for neurosurgery. from TechNewsWorld